Please Take Care Of Your Headset
You do want to keep yourself clean all and healthy all the times, so that you can do your daily chores with a peaceful mind.
It is the same thing with your headset especially when it is a necessity nowadays. For the purpose of working comfortably, audio quality and hygiene, please take care of your headset.
Things to consider before you purchase your headset:
1) Buy from genuine manufacturer to avoid purchasing deceitful headset, which can damage your ear.
2) Buy the most suitable and comfortable unit.
3) Check for easy access for parts replacement, product with warranty. Again, buy from legit manufacturer.
Once you start to use it, keep it in a clean, dry place whenever not in use. If you need to brush off dirt from your headset, use dry toothbrush. Avoid liquids and high humidity exposure to the sensitive electronics parts.
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